Thursday, May 21, 2015


"Shy"                                      Gurrieri 2015©

My first Dyptich is of yours truly. Here I show where on one side I am shy but when alone, I have a creative side not everyone knows about. Of course this is not true for I am very outgoing and really not that artistic. I'm happy with the final result.

"No Gains Without Pains"         Gurrieri 2015©

My second Dyptich is of my friend Shivil. I like this picture more than the previous picture. I'm not quite sure but it just gives off this feel that I enjoy more. I find it funny how people believe people, including Shivil, think I used Photoshop to make his arm more "muscular" even though I did nothing to it.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Copyright Practice

Now no one can take credit for my incredible skills even though you can probably find it on my IG without the watermark.

Alphabet Art

For this assignment I had found the letters to spell out ninja through out the simple little town of Iselin.