Thursday, May 21, 2015


"Shy"                                      Gurrieri 2015©

My first Dyptich is of yours truly. Here I show where on one side I am shy but when alone, I have a creative side not everyone knows about. Of course this is not true for I am very outgoing and really not that artistic. I'm happy with the final result.

"No Gains Without Pains"         Gurrieri 2015©

My second Dyptich is of my friend Shivil. I like this picture more than the previous picture. I'm not quite sure but it just gives off this feel that I enjoy more. I find it funny how people believe people, including Shivil, think I used Photoshop to make his arm more "muscular" even though I did nothing to it.

1 comment:

  1. I think you did a very good job with both dyptichs. I like how the first one represents your personality. I like the second one also, shivil's arm looks nice, but i think you did photoshop it lol. Overall you did an awesome job.
