Monday, March 30, 2015

Surrealistic Artists Research

Vladimir Kush was born in Russia in 1965 and is still around today. Around the young age of seven years he had attended art schools where he had studied Renaissance art, Impressionists and Modern artists. When he was 17 he had enrolled in the Moscow Higher Art and Craft School but shortly after he was drafted to the military. After months of training he ended up not fighting but painting propagandistic posters. After he served his time, he moved onto graduating the Instituted of Fine Arts and since then his career took off. He is also my favorite surreal artist.

Max Ernst was born on April 2, 1891 and died on April 1 1976. German provocateur Max Ernst served in World War 1 the went on to spend a majority of his life in France during World War 2 categorized as an “enemy alien”. Afterwards, along with painting, sculpting and other forms of classic art, he devoted a lot of his time to the game of chess.

Vladimir Kush

"Sunrise by the Ocean" - Unkown

Description: The picture is of an Egg broken in half along the shore line with the sun rising and a person making his way onto the boat.

Analysis: The focal point is most likely the sun and the picture is balanced. The use of shading is also very effective in this photo.

Interpretation: I believe Vladimir is trying to symbolize how everyday is a brand new day and a chance to start fresh.

Judgment: I think Vladimir was very successful with this photo and it is personally one of my favorite surreal art works.

Max Ernst

"Ubu Imperator" - 1923

Description: The texture of the photo is smooth. The only objects visible in this photo are a few clouds in the background and what appears to be a human-like top.

Analysis: Obviously, the focal point is the human-looking object in the center of the photo. Though it is faint, there is an out-of-frame light source and shading allows us to see that clearly.

Interpretation: I have a hard time understanding this photo so I really have no interpretation but if I had to guess it would be that an entire civilization relied on one person.

Judgment: If my interpretation i correct than I believe Max did a very nice job with his work. If I'm wrong, I still believe it is an interesting photo.
 Both Vladimir and Max had served time in the war at one point or another. Along with that, they both were skilled in many different forms of art. But in the end, Vladimir Kush and Max Ernst are two very unique artists. As Vladimir bases his works on life and dream like realities, Max expresses his thoughts and how he sees certain things in life.

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